
[Vapor3][MySQL] Show the error 'DatabaseIdentifier<_>' produces result of type 'DatabaseIdentifier<MySQLDatabase>', but context expects 'DatabaseIdentifier<_>'

[10/21, 2018]

日本語 / English

Cause of the error

Why Xcode shows you an error like below even if you set the DatabaseIdentifier properly.

Member 'mysql' in 'DatabaseIdentifier<>' produces result of type 'DatabaseIdentifier', but context expects 'DatabaseIdentifier<>'

Causes are

  • Something wrong the code inside of closure.
  • No code inside of closure yet.

So, if you write code properly inside the closure, the error will be gone.

Patterns with the error.

let result = context.container.withNewConnection(to: .mysql){
    conn in            
let result = context.container.withNewConnection(to: .mysql){
    conn in
    return 1            


Patterns without the error.

let result = context.container.withNewConnection(to: .mysql){
    conn in            
    return conn.raw("select * from talbeA;").all()

Xcode might not be able to show the error properly if the code inside the closure is wrong. I spent a lot of time because of this error😭 I hope this article helps someone like me.

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