
Making My CocoaPods Compatible with SPM

[10/19, 2024]

Hi, this is Tomo. Since CocoaPods seems to be in maintenance mode, and it's unclear if it will support Xcode 16, I decided to make my custom CocoaPods compatible with Swift Package Manager (SPM). Looking back, I could have structured things even more towards SPM. But hopefully, this post will help others trying to do the same. In this post, I’ll show how to make your project compatible with both SPM and CocoaPods.

Pod init does not work on Xcode 16 for now.

[10/04, 2024]

Isn't it exciting to always have the latest version of software? Hi, I'm Tomo. Recently, after upgrading to Xcode 16, I encountered an error when trying to run pod init.

My app binary became "Invalid Binary.", after submitted.

[08/03, 2022]

Hello, I'm Tomo. Shortly after submitting my iOS app for review, I received an email saying "Invalid Binary." I looked at AppstoreConnect while wondering why, but the reason was not written at all, and when I looked at the email, I received the following email.

Dynamically Hide/Show View in swiftUI

[05/05, 2022]

Hello Tomo, I have finally started to learn swiftUI recently. It's been 3 years since swiftUI came out? But it's still in development and Big changes happen sometimes. I'd like to leave a note about showing and hiding a View in swiftUI.

Find and copy file paths on Mac

[04/15, 2022]

Hello, this is Tomo. I wanted to try background rendering in Blender, but the PATH to blender did not go through properly, so I checked where the path is in the first place and made a note of it.

How to fix grayed-out time on menubar in Mac Monterey.

[04/11, 2022]

Time is money. Hello, this is Tomo. Since I updated my mac to Monterey, the clock in the menu bar has been grayed out, and I was trying to fix it because it's annoying. At first, I thought it might be due to the contrast between the dark mode and the wallpaper, but changing the wallpaper color didn't solve the problem. And I searched and figured out it's the "feature" and is not a bug. I was wondering for a while because there must be a way to fix it. But now that I know how to fix it successfully, I'd like to make a note of it. !!!!! ⏰

The PNG transparency bug in iOS 15

[04/05, 2022]

Note that I got stuck with the PNG transparency bug in iOS and spent an awful lot of time on it. There are known bugs in iOS, but the one I encountered this time seems to be a bit different.